Monday, August 30, 2010

Ashlyn can CRAWL!!

We knew she was getting close.....we have watched her on all fours rocking.....we have seen her get herself from sitting into crawling position and back to sitting.  We have seen her wiggling and reaching out for toys.  And, over the weekend, it happened....she started going!  I watched it with my own eyes while it was happening and I was jumping up and down as soon as I saw it.  Kyla was there and she started giving Ashlyn kisses telling her she did a great job.  I ran upstairs and screamed to tell Troy the news....after he came downstairs Ashlyn did it again.  Celebration!

This has been a long time in the making with Ashlyn working so hard!  Months and months of physical therapy.  It is so cool to see it all come together.....and to see she really will do it on her own time.  I remember after Ashlyn was born I would hear a lot, "She will do everything other kids do, just in her own time.  And, when she does it, it will mean more because of how hard she worked."  Honestly, at the time, I thought that was crazy and annoying.  I remember thinking, "No, I don't think it will mean more.  I think I will just be really relieved.  I would rather her do it at the "normal" time and that would be the best."  Well, once again, as I just keep learning, I was wrong.  At the beginning of all of this, I know I would have picked the easy way....I wanted it so badly and thought that would be the only way I would be happy.  Wrong, wrong, wrong.....the joy I feel when I see her crawling in her little spurts to get a toy is something I can't explain.  I am so proud of her.  I think it is going to be a lifetime of watching Ashlyn work and try harder than others have to, but feeling joy so big when she accomplishes something that we wouldn't trade the extra time and challenge for anything.  This girl is tough.

I am once again reminded of what God can do....ashes turning into beauty. If you would have told me when Ashlyn was first born that she wouldn't crawl until she was 16 months I know what my reaction would have been.  I had that reaction because I was given information about delays that come with Down Syndrome.  But, today, here we are and all we feel is joy and thankfulness.  And so much love for this little girl we don't know what to do.  We love you, Ashlyn, and we are so proud of you.....we are so, so thankful God gave you to us.  You just keep going and we will just keep cheering....always.

Well, let's not wait any longer....check her out:


  1. Praise the Lord!! Ashlyn, you go girl. Pretty soon you will be driving Mama buggy getting into things.

  2. I cried with joy as I watched. What a beautiful sight!

  3. Pass the tissue, please. Beautiful.

  4. Woo hoo! I love reading about Ashlyn and thinking of all the same joys I had watching Garren with the same sorts of delays. I feel the same kind of joy right now reading about Ashlyn and just remembering Garren and his first crawl around the same age as her. It is so precious! Yay Ashlyn!
