Tuesday, August 17, 2010

So Long, Pacifier

I am usually pretty cut and dry about most things involving our kids.  Whenever I know it is time for something to happen, it usually gets done.  From taking away bottles to bedtimes.....but when it came to taking away Kyla's pacifier, I was a pretty big wimp about it.  Kyla is 3 1/2 now and ever since she was a newborn, she has been attached to it.

I remember when we were in the hospital after she was born, we were very serious with all of the nurses that our daughter is not supposed to have a pacifier....I laugh when I look back on it.  We read all the books and thought we were doing the right thing.  I know we were, but we were so serious about it that when we came home with a screaming newborn who wouldn't sleep, we still thought she shouldn't have a pacifier until she was at least two weeks when we knew she had the hang of nursing.  I can picture it still.....the first night home from the hospital, Troy and I up all night with Kyla screaming, all the while discussing if we should give her a pacifier or not.  The second night of this we decided that it was probably okay if she had a pacifier.  And, the girl was hooked....and so were we because from that night on we had a much happier baby.

By the time she turned one, I decided she could only have it for sleeping.  Well, fast forward 2 1/2 years later and that sweet thing was still sleeping with her precious pacifier.  When she was about to turn 3, I announced to Troy that once she was 3 we would take it away.  That was just big talk, because it didn't happen.  Let's face it, a child that sleeps well is a very nice thing for a mommy.  And, this mommy had another newborn on the scene at this point and I just didn't know if I could take my 3 year old not sleeping while adjusting to two kids.  I discussed it with our pediatrician and she didn't help.  She basically said it wasn't the worst thing for her to still have it but try to get rid of by about 3 1/2, especially for the formation of her teeth.

So, I knew it was time and had been talking to Troy about it again.  Our conversations often happened while Troy had a huge smile on his face.....I knew what he was thinking...."I know you are saying we need to take it away, but I am not sure if you are really serious."  So, this past Friday night, it really happened.  I had been talking to Kyla about it for the week before and at times she would seem okay with it and others not.  Also, during this week, I would waiver back and forth, but decided it was go time.

On Friday, we told Kyla that it was the day the pacifier fairy was coming.  We told Kyla she could decorate an envelope for her and put her pacifier in it and then set it outside and later the pacifier fairy would come and take it and leave Kyla a gift in its place. 

Here is Kyla holding up the envelope she decorated for the pacifier fairy

And here she is having a moment of realization.  This was taken right after we talked once again about what would be happening and she said, "Pacifier stays with me."

Bringing the envelope with the pacifier to set it outside for the pacifier fairy to get it

It was time for her to go to bed and I was completely worried.  Troy and I had talked about it and we were prepared for long stretches of crying.  To our surprise, she got in her bed without her pacifier and we never heard a peep out of her.  Not one cry.  We were in shock and so, so proud of her! 

Here she is in the morning checking out her gift from the pacifier fairy

Since then we have had some tougher moments....there have been tears at naps and bedtimes....some involving lots of crying and screaming out, "Come back, paci".  But, it wouldn't last long and she would eventually calm down and go to sleep.  Now, she doesn't cry but will sometimes still ask for her pacifier.  She has done so great and has made the transition wonderfully.  It is just another step away from babyhood into big girl land.  Coming up next....preschool starts.  A lot for this mommy's heart to take, but all part of our girl growing up.  These are such special days and I wouldn't trade them for anything.


  1. Thank you for your paci story! Ella is 2 1/2 yrs. old now and still sucking away... Glad to know there is hope! :) Krista Rexroth

  2. Your little girl is so beautiful. She got my Cock hard
