Saturday, July 3, 2010

It goes by fast....

Ever since Troy and I became parents, everyone started telling us how fast it goes fast the baby you are holding will grow up.  I am starting to have more moments of realizing how true that is as Kyla gets older.  Over the last two weeks she was in her first swimming class and there were many moments where I was thinking about what a big girl she is getting to be.  Now, I know I am not about to send her off to college any time soon, but these little beginnings of growing up are starting to come faster and faster.  I think the fact that she will be starting preschool this fall is a big part of it too. 

There really are moments where I wish we could just pause time and keep it here.  I know I can't and I know as she gets older and new things come, we will cherish each season.  For now, I am really loving this season.  A three year old girl who we love more everyday.  A girl who just finished her first time of swimming lessons and had such a great time.  I was a little worried about it at first because Kyla is naturally a girl who takes things in before she tries them, but she did really well with the swimming.  The first couple of days she was pretty hesitant to leave my side and walk with her teacher and the rest of the class to the pool.  One night before she was going to sleep we were praying with her and I told her we could ask Jesus to help her not to be scared to walk with her teacher to the pool.  We prayed and by the third day of class she was just strutting her little self right up there when her teacher called her name.  Later she told me that Jesus helped her.  I love these little lessons of faith that are being planted in her heart.  Lessons that I keep learning as I am teaching her.....seeing how my three year old believes that if you ask Jesus to help you, He will.

Here are some pictures of our big girl loving her swimming lessons:

Here she is with her class listening to the teacher at the beginning of class

Raising her hand when her name is called....melt my heart!

Little sister watching big sister

Drying off after class

We started a practice of having marshmallows when we got home from swimming lessons

Kicking their legs at the beginning of class...Kyla didn't love getting her face splashed

Loving the water

Taking a big breath in before blowing bubbles out in the water

Lining up for class when her name is fear!

Ready to walk to the pool with her class

Mommy and Kyla waiting for class to start

Kyla and one of her best buddies, Alyssa, enjoying an after swim class treat at Starbucks.  Alyssa is the daughter of one of my best buddies, Tracy, and our girls both had swimming at the same time.  We decided we all needed a treat.

The mommas....Tracy and I made it through two weeks of leaving our houses at 8:30 to get to swimming in time.  There is nothing better than having a really good friend to share all of this with.

My sweet firstborn having fun during the last day of her swimming lessons

I am loving all of these moments of "growing up".....and the memories and building of our faith that comes with them.


  1. This is all wonderful, except for the Starbucks part.

  2. Doug - You are right...I wish Calvin Fletcher's was closer!
