Sunday, May 16, 2010


One thing we were told regarding Ashlyn is that kids with Down Syndrome do almost everything that other kids do, it just takes longer.  We see Ashlyn working so hard and are blessed to have wonderful therapists that come to our house to help her.  She currently receives physical therapy and occupational therapy each once a week and will soon probably start speech therapy.  We are so thankful for our therapists!  It is funny because when they first started coming it felt so strange to have them in our home helping our daughter with things that I never even thought of before.  But, like everything else, you begin to get used to your "new normal."  However, there are still times that it just gets to me.  Those times when I see a 9 or 10 month old crawling all over the place and Ashlyn doesn't crawl yet - my heart hurts.  When I see a 9 or 10 month old pick food right off their tray and put it in their mouth and Ashlyn still needs help with that - my heart hurts.  And, as a mom, I find myself walking that line between working with Ashlyn to help her but not let myself get so stressed about it that it turns to sadness that she can't do some things yet.  

It is a learning is a process.  It is refining.  It is an exercise in trust.  It is me saying to myself during the day, "Chill out, Shari".  It is me trying - really, really trying - to daily live out the Scripture that says, "Instead of worrying, pray."  

And, then there is the perspective part....I know that Ashlyn will do these things.  She will.  Doctors and therapists have told me time and time with Down Syndrome crawl, walk, feed themselves, just takes longer, but once they get it, they have it and they won't ever lose it.  
I do know this....I don't want to miss out on the joy of Ashlyn because I am caught up in worrying.  That would be a everyday I am asking God for help.  And everyday I know His mercies are new.  Thank goodness.  

The main things we are working on with Ashlyn right now are crawling, pulling up to stand, feeding herself and drinking from a straw.  We are also beginning to introduce some sign language...Kyla thinks it is really fun!  And, honestly, for as much as I can worry, I know that Ashlyn is doing so great.  And, when she looks at me, I swear she is saying, "Mommy, don't worry!  I am so happy and I know you guys love me so much.  And, that sister of mine is just too fun.  It is going to be okay, Mommy." Oh, we love this girl! 

Ashlyn is getting her first tooth and is also making more sounds when babbling.  One sound she makes a lot is "dada" and we are starting to see her say it a lot when she is with her Daddy.  She really, really loves her Daddy!  I don't think her face lights up more than when he walks in the room.  
I am so thankful for Ashlyn.  I am thankful for God's refining work in my life through her.  It is an understatement to say she is a gift.  More than she needs us, I really think we needed her.

Here is a picture of Ash on her belly, while we were working on some crawling.

Ashlyn with her love, dada

Here is Kyla, another girl who really loves her Daddy!


  1. I knew you would start a blog someday...
    It's such a great way to share your story and experiences, but also helps in the healing process. You have a beautiful family and I think of you often.
    I just believe that God is going to use this to point others to Him in a mighty way.
    Thank you for sharing you heart.

  2. I cannot get over how utterly beautiful she is!!! Her hair is getting so long! Thanks for sharing, Shari! Love you!

  3. You truly have two beautiful little girls and you have a beautiful heart. Thanks for sharing and allowing God to work in and through you!

  4. I love you. Our kids are blessed to have you as their mother.
