Tuesday, May 18, 2010

8 years

On this day, 8 years ago, I walked down the aisle of the church I grew up in and Troy was waiting for me at the end of it.  We said "I do" and we made lots of promises to each other.  There are many things I remember about that day....I remember being so happy, joyful to be in a big, white dress, and being so excited to be surrounded by our family and friends.  Another thing I remember is that I didn't have any doubts.  Not one. I knew this was the man God had for me.  Here is a picture of us youngsters on that really special day.

I knew that as we stood there that day and made promises to each other that we didn't know what the future held.  We knew we wanted to have kids, but we didn't know yet that their names were Kyla and Ashlyn.  We knew that Troy had a calling on his life to be a pastor, but we didn't know yet that would include wonderful places like Indianapolis First Church of the Nazarene and Lafayette First Church of the Nazarene.  We knew it meant forever, no matter what.  But we didn't know yet of all that entailed.  Of all the joys, the deep friendships and homes full of memories.  We didn't know that seven years into it we would be holding each other as we cried and receiving information we never dreamed of.  But, even in those darkest moments, I still had no doubts.  Not one.  I knew this was the man God had for me and that it was forever, no matter what.  And, as I sit here today, 8 years into it, shedding tears as I think about the deep, deep love I have for this man, I know we still don't know what the future holds.  We don't know all the memories yet to be made, the destinations yet to be explored and all the highs and lows.  But, I know there is absolutely no one else I would want to be taking this journey with.  I love Troy.  He is so kind, such a good father and provider, and so passionate about his work.  He makes me laugh everyday and is so handsome I can hardly stand it.  And the best part is we are building a family together and we have two little girls we couldn't love more.

I love thinking back to our wedding day.  I love all the memories between that day and today. I love that this morning at breakfast I asked Kyla if she wanted to see pictures of the day that mommy and daddy got married and she excitedly said yes.  This was the first time she had looked at them.  We looked through them and she would say, "Oh, mommy, I love your white dress!" or "Look, Grandma and Grandpa are in that picture."  It was so fun to see her happiness about it.  She told us that she wanted to wear a white dress and we told her maybe someday she would and that we would pray for her husband.  We told her that someday if she gets married she needs to marry someone who loves Jesus and who loves her.  I am so thankful for that person in my life..who loves Jesus and loves me.  I am thankful for all that happened 8 years ago today.  I am thankful for promises made and promises kept.  I am so very thankful for my husband.


  1. Yeah, he's definitely a keeper! And so are you :) Happy Anniversary!

  2. That was so incredibly beautiful! Just like your family! :D

  3. happy anniversary!!! we have close friends here who are celebrating 8 yrs. TODAY too..crazy to think you guys were married on the VERY same day :)

  4. Happy Anniversary to a wonderful couple and a beautiful family! Love you guys very much!

  5. Beautifully written. Happy Anniversary and God willing you will have many, many, many more. Your daughters are so beautiful and always look so happy. Francis Moore from First Church PS I miss hearing Pastor Troy giving Sunday sermons.
