Friday, May 7, 2010

Meet Kyla

So far, the posts on this blog have focused on Ashlyn mainly because the gift of Ashlyn in our lives is the first thing that ever made me think of writing a blog.  I wanted to share my thoughts and feelings on having a child with Down Syndrome...maybe a form of therapy more than anything!  However, there is much, much more to our family than just Down Syndrome...that is part of it (a very wonderful part, we are learning), but there is lots more.  So, along the way, I am sure this blog will be a little bit of everything....things I am learning, things that make me laugh, things I am into, life being married to a pastor, and probably a lot about our family.  So, I want to introduce you to an incredible member of our firstborn, Kyla Elise.

I absolutely love this girl!  We have fun from the time she wakes up until she goes to bed.  She makes me laugh so much everyday.  One thing you would quickly discover about Kyla if you met her is that she is a very girly girl.  She loves clothes and accessories.  Almost everyday she asks me if she can wear leggings...they are one of her favorites lately...only problem is we only have so many leggings clean at a time, so she will settle for something less desirable to her like jeans.  If you stopped by our house on any given day, Kyla would probably have lots of jewelry on and a tu-tu...and if you are lucky, she would be wearing her very sassy, hot pink Barbie high heels.  She embraces all that being a girl has to offer....and that makes this very girly mama very happy!

Another thing about Kyla that makes spending each day with her such a blast is her very vivid and ongoing imagination!  At any given time during the day we often have guests with us...they range from Tinkerbell to Cinderella to Snow White.  We may be just driving in the car and she will say to me, "Mama, my friends are here."  And, I will say, "Great!  Who is here?"  And these days the most likely choice will be one of the Disney princesses.  We love to have them along and are very fortunate that they are willing to make the trip to Lafayette, Indiana so often!  Kyla also adores her babies...after she turned 3 they didn't get quite as much attention as they used to, but they are still very cared for and talked to....and sometimes if they aren't quite behaving to Kyla's standards, they have even been sent to time out.  Needless to say, I laugh a lot during the day.  Did I mention that I love this girl?

One of my greatest joys recently has been watching Kyla as a big sister.  Oh, does that girl love and protect her little sister!  She never really went through a rough adjustment to having a sibling added to our home...believe me, she has her moments, but overall, it is like she was made to be a big sister!  She is so excited to see Ashlyn every morning and she talks to her all day long.  She brings her toys, tickles her and hugs her.  Since Kyla has become a big sister, I have seen a very compassionate and maternal part of her emerge.  If Ashlyn cries for very long, it almost does Kyla in.  It melts my heart when I hear her saying while rubbing Ashlyn's back," Don't worry, Ash, mama is coming."  If we are driving in the car and Ashlyn is crying, she will say, "Don't worry, Ash, we are almost there."  Kyla is not aware at all that her sister has Down Syndrome or is different in any is this sweet innocent time where Kyla sees no differences.....I wish it could stay this way forever, but I know it can't.  I know a day will come where we will need to explain all of this to her and probably a day when some kid at her school will ask her why her sister is different (I am already annoyed with that kid, whoever it is).  However, even now I see Kyla encouraging and loving Ashlyn in ways that other kids probably don't with their siblings.  Kyla doesn't know that other babies don't have therapists come to their house, but because Kyla sees that and always hears people encouraging Ashlyn, she does the same.  I often hear, "You can do it, Ash" or "Mama, did you see that, Ashlyn did it!"  I have no doubt that God made Kyla to be Ashlyn's big is for Kyla's good and for Ashlyn's...all part of God's perfect plan.  I believe that God will use the blessing of having Ashlyn for a little sister to shape Kyla and use her for Kingdom purposes. 

We are so blessed to have Kyla as our daughter.  She loves to laugh, have fun and read books.  One of my absolute favorite things about Kyla, is that her and I literally have a running conversation all day long.  We just talk, talk and talk some more....and then when Daddy gets home, he hears all of our thoughts and events of the day....and as much as I know sometimes he is amazed that two girls could have so many thoughts, I know he loves it.  He tells me, Kyla and Ashlyn all the time how much he loves his girls... we love him too, so much!  Tonight at supper, which was on a  Friday (Troy's day off), Troy asked Kyla what her favorite part of the day was and she said, "Having you home all day."  Oh, we love this girl!

Here is a picture of Kyla at 6 months old

Here she is today, as our sweet 3 year old.

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