Saturday, October 2, 2010

Ready for some football

There are some things we really love in our house.....some of those are Fall time, Colts football and Sunday afternoons.  So, aren't we lucky that those all happen at the same time?  I grew up in a house were football was on every Sunday dad was the only man in the house so he was often the lone ranger watching football and yelling at the screen on Sunday afternoons while the girls were napping.....I actually think this is when my love of Lifetime movies began.  I mean why would I want to watch boring football when I could watch movies about women falling in love with men who turn out to to be bad guys who want to kill them and it takes two hours for them to find a way to get away from them? 

Well, this awesome man I married is also the only man in his house and also really likes to watch football on Sunday afternoons.....and we only have one t.v. in our wins.  However, ever since we have been living in and around Indianapolis, I have fallen in love with the Colts.  I love watching them and in these recent years I think I have actually learned the rules of football....I don't know every little rule, but I understand the majority now to where I can enjoy watching it.  Now, I will be honest that after the Colts are done playing, my interest starts to waiver a little.  But, I do still watch.....and I like it. 

But what I like the most is that our family is together and that our girls are learning the joys of Sunday afternoon football......and, hey, maybe by the time they are 30 year old women they will know all of the rules.  But, for now they think it is really fun that we all having matching Colts shirts to wear and that we say, "Go, Colts!"  Here we are showing our football pride:

Mommy and Kyla are ready for the game

My so cute, football loving husband

 Little Colts fan

 Kyla loves her "comfy" clothes

 Daddy and Ashlyn are ready to cheer

 Two sisters growing up in a football loving house

 The littlest Colts fan in our house

I really love the Fall, I really love Colts football, I really love Sunday afternoons.....I really love the family I share it with the very most.


  1. I can relate to this almost entirely! My dad was the only man in the house with FIVE females! Any sport usually trumped everything else as we only had one TV. I never cared much about it then, but since being married, I've come to love football (but we're Bears fans here!) and I enjoy watching the games with my husband. I don't know the rules, and he's trying to teach me, but I am learning some of the players. Gotta count for something! We dress our kids up in their Bears gear a lot, and they even wear it to church several Sundays during the season. Glad to know I'm not the only one who has developed this love of football after marriage!
    Even though it's the wrong team, your girls sure are cute in their Colts gear!

  2. Wow, Rachel....five females growing up....God bless our dads!! Enjoy football season....a couple more and surely you and I will know all of the rules by then:)
