Friday, October 22, 2010

In sickness and in health

Okay, I am just going to warn you from the start that this will be an unashamed love fest about how awesome my husband is.  So, if you aren't into sappy things or wives who adore their husbands, you better stop reading now:)

If you are married, I am sure you had the phrase "to love and cherish in sickness and in health" in your wedding vows.  On our wedding day, I knew that there would be points when Troy and I would see each other really sick and yucky.  Well, lucky for Troy, he just got to experience that with me and the good old stomach flu.  I woke up in the middle of the night on Thursday and my stomach told me something was seriously not right and I knew what the next hours of my life would consist of.  Not pretty.  Speaking of not pretty is the mixture of me in flannel pj's, no makeup, no shower and the stomach flu.......that is rough.  Not a look I pull off well.  But, there was my man, bringing me things to make me feel better with "I love you's" and telling me "not to worry about anything....just rest" along the way.  And, the whole time I knew how much there was for him to do at work and all of the things I am sure were on his mind.

He got both of the girls dressed, fed them breakfast and got Kyla to preschool.  Soon after that he got the call that a precious, 99 year old woman from our church had just passed away.  Troy had been at the hospital with her and her family a lot in recent days.  So, with his wife at home as sick as a dog, he took Ashlyn with him and went to pray with the family.....when your daddy is a pastor, sometimes you go on hospital visits too.  Both of our girls have and will in the future, I am sure.  I was in bad shape for the whole day and Troy handled everything.....feeding the girls, playing with them, making multiple trips to our room to deliver me crackers and 7 Up, bathing the girls and getting them to bed.  All without complaint or hesitation.

It is true that your actions are an overflow of the condition of your heart.  Troy would be the first to tell you he isn't perfect....neither of us are.  But, I know the condition of his shows in his actions.  It showed yesterday big time.  His heart loves God and loves his family.  He spent his day yesterday caring for his wife, taking care of his girls and caring for the needs of our church family.  And, to top all of that off he is the cutest thing I have ever seen.  I am so blessed that he is the one I promised "in sickness and in health" to.  Like I said, it was an unashamed love fest....but when your husband is this faithful to his family, that is something to brag a little about!


  1. That is so worth bragging about! Way to go Troy! I noticed you didn't have any picture on this post though lol! Rick is the same way-totally servant-hearted, especially where his family is involved. After Ethan I was having a really hard time recovering and was in tears at him seeing me at my lowest of lows. He quoted our vows backs to me as well. We are a couple of lucky gals!

  2. Lisa - Yes, we are lucky girls and you are pictures....nobody wants to see that!:)

  3. I agree! I think this blog deserved a picture!
