Monday, June 14, 2010

Front Porch Rocking....

I love, love, love houses that have big front porches that you can put rocking chairs on.  When we lived in Indianapolis our house had a huge front porch that we loved.  I know it was one of the main reasons we picked the house.  One of the first things we purchased when we bought that house was rocking chairs for the front porch.  We spent so much time out there.  Troy and I would sit out there in the evenings and talk.  Kyla was just a baby then and she loved to be out there too.  Here are some pictures taken on that front porch by our favorite photographers, Wade and Stephanie Carignan:

Kyla at 6 months old

I love this one!

Taking it all in from the rocking chair

Kyla and Mommy

Kyla and Daddy

It was so hard for me to leave that house.  It was just a little ranch for our little family of three, but I loved it so much and I loved that front porch.  Well, the house we live in now does not have a huge front porch, but it has a little one.  I remember when we looked at this house, Troy and I talked about how it would have enough room for our rocking chairs.  Kyla and Ashlyn both have their own rocking chairs as well, thanks to Troy's Aunt Sharon who bought them each one.  Here are some pictures that I took recently of the girls in their rocking chairs out on our current front porch:

Two girls enjoying a summer evening in their rocking chairs

Ashlyn Ruby likes her chair

Ashlyn hanging out with Libby, one of Kyla's babies

Happy girl in her rocking chair

Kyla with her baby doll, Libby

I still miss the front porch at our old house, but I really, really love the people I get to sit on this front porch with.  So many great talks have been had on these rocking chairs.  So many times of calming down a fussy baby just by taking them outside to rock for a little bit. So many waves and talks with neighbors who are outside too.  I am ready for lots of summer evening front porch rocking....we love it on cool, fall evenings too.  Bottom line is that I am convinced that any house we ever live in will need to have a front porch for rocking chairs. 


  1. i love front porches and rocking chairs as well..beautiful pictures! the ones in the beginning look professional they are AMAZING!!!

  2. I, too, love rocking chairs, but I don't have room for one outside. The pic, Ashlyn Ruby Likes Her Chair, is so so sweet. The look on her face is precious. All the photos are great. What a neat family! I have enjoyed reading your blog. Last school year I did some substitute teaching in Warren Township; one of the classes had a loving 5 year old boy with Downs. We became best buds. After having a lot of success in making a flower with wire, he gave me one of the best hugs I have ever received. Praying that Ashlyn will continue to make progress.
