Saturday, January 21, 2012

While Daddy was gone.....

This past week Troy was in Phoenix for a ministry conference, which meant the girls and I were flying solo.  I am such a baby about him leaving.  Everything is better when daddy is around, but we made it through.  Things got off to a little bit of a rough start at supper the first night Troy was gone.  Ashlyn is getting to be a picky eater, which still surprises me because for months she has eaten just about anything.  All of a sudden she is showing her opinions about what she does and doesn't like.  I, however, am not a "short order cook mom", so whatever I make that night, that is what you get.  I thought spaghetti would be a great way to go, because it usually goes over well.  It is always loved by Kyla, but sometimes Ashlyn isn't feeling it and that night was one of those times.  And that usually leads to Ashlyn throwing food off of her tray.  Not good.

Here is evidence of food on the floor and Ashlyn "thinking" about it, after a stern talk from mommy

Here is the food on the floor along with the bowl after she gave that a toss.  Oh, that led to some alone time for Ashlyn in the time out spot.

 Time out is a new concept for Ashlyn, something we are just now introducing after Ashlyn does something like throw food on the floor.  She does not like it,  This was the first time she stayed in the spot and knew she had to stay there.  She screamed for the whole two minutes.  After I picked her up and we hugged and I showed her the food and told her she could not throw her food, she was hugging the life out of me and then said, "Sissy."  She needed some love from her sister, who was equally troubled that her little sis was in time out.

The next day at lunch, things were a lot better....

After a little snag at the beginning, we got on with our week and played with our princesses,

had some bedtime hot chocolate,

and marshmallows,

we watched the snow fall,

and took a picture for Daddy because we knew it wasn't snowing in Phoenix,

we stayed inside while it snowed and did some painting,

Ashlyn loved it,

Kyla's masterpiece,

We missed Daddy like crazy.  Every time I was on the phone with him, Ashlyn wanted to hear his voice on the phone.  Kyla asked about him all the time.  We made it through with lots of hugs and kisses,

and now we are glad to have the man of our life back home. 

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