Monday, January 30, 2012

Parenting - The Things that Matter

We are in the season of parenting right now that is very hands on and requires a lot of energy (that may be all seasons of parenting).  It involves a lot of cleaning up after messy hands, changing diapers, playing make believe, reminding to pick up toys, reminding to speak kindly, zipping up coats, finding socks, calming down when crying and the list goes on.  There are days when I can feel like I am just doing menial tasks....the laundry, cleaning bathrooms, sweeping the floor, dinner doesn't always feel so glamorous, but I do know there is no other job in all the world I would rather have.  And in the middle of all of it, the day in and day out of parenting, I know it is a huge job.  The responsibility of raising little people who will turn into big people and making sure they are ready.  And not just ready, but ready to live life in a Christ centered way.  It is my biggest prayer for my children, that they would have hearts that love God and desire to follow Him.

And that doesn't just happen.  That takes serious intentionality.  That takes parents who are the real deal and walking the walk themselves.  That takes a lot of prayer. That takes trusting God even when you don't see fruit from your efforts. We know that and we know it is God who is giving us the strength.  And I know we won't always do it all right, but I ask God everyday to help me to do it the best I can.  And that is why when we are in middle of coloring and Kyla says, "Mommy, how many eyes does God have?  How can He see everyone all at once?"  or  "Mommy, does God hear me even when I whisper?" is those moments that I know God is giving to me to point her to Him.  Or the moments when I see her showing kindness and I point it out to her.  Or when she is scared about something and we stop and pray.  I know God is using it all.  And I can only imagine all the moments He will give in the years ahead.  I just know of all of the jobs of parenting, pointing my kids to Christ is the biggest one.

I have never sat down and written a list of what I hope the hearts of my children will look like when they are about old enough to leave our house, but this list I found pretty much sums it up.  I read Ann Voskamp's blog very regularly and I loved this recent one she wrote for her son.  Her writing it so beautiful and this particular blog post had the tears flowing down my face for how much this is the prayer for my own children.  Read it here.

I know that everyday these children are in my house, they matter.  All of the moments matter.  It is a big job we have and we want to do it well.  To raise kids that love God and are set apart for Him, I can't think of a bigger job.  I also know that really it is not up to me. This is not all in my hands and that it will be God who moves the heart of my children.  So, whatever season of parenting you may be in.....the baby stage, toddler stage, school days, about to leave for college days....remember it all matters.  Walk the walk and point the way.

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