Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Buddy Walk

One of the things I worried about after Ashlyn was born was if she would be accepted.  After we got her diagnosis, I couldn't help but look ahead down the road and wonder what it would be like.  I still wonder from time to time, but the more I see people embrace her, the less I worry.  I have watched a community of people surround her and love her and it means more to me than I can say.

Over the weekend we were privileged to walk in the Buddy Walk for Down Syndrome Indiana, which is an organization that is all about the inclusion of people with Down Syndrome and the walk is a way to raise funds and build awareness.  Troy and I knew we wanted to be a part of it and walk in honor of Ashlyn and also raise money.  We began to get the word out to our family and friends about what we were doing and before we knew it, the support was coming in.  People we love and who we know love Ashlyn began showing that love by donating, signing up to walk and raising money themselves.  There were times that Troy and I would see the generosity of people towards our daughter and just look at each other with tears in our eyes.  Tears of knowing she is loved and accepted.

In the weeks leading up to the walk I began feeling like we really needed to say something to Kyla.  We have never told her that her sister has Down Syndrome.  She was just over two when Ashlyn was born so it would have been useless to tell her then.  As time has gone on, Kyla and Ashlyn have bonded so much as sisters and I just wanted that bond to continue to form before we said anything to Kyla.  I just wanted her to see Ashlyn as her sister.  I was getting very emotional about it.  Troy and I kept talking about it and praying about when and what exactly to say.  I shared my feelings and tears with my closest friends and family.  In many ways, I didn't want to say anything to Kyla because up until now we have been in a little bubble of innocence where Kyla has no idea that her sister is different.  Although, maybe on some level she does, but doesn't really care.  So, it was the day before the walk and Ashlyn was napping and just Troy and I were with Kyla.  We kept it simple and just said, "Kyla, we are so excited to go on this walk on Saturday.  It is a walk for kids with Down Sydrome...." and before we could go on with the sentence she interrupted and said, "But I want to go on the walk!"  Letting us know she knows that Down Syndrome is something she doesn't have but she really wants to still go to the walk.  We continued and told her the walk is for all kids but that some kids there would have Down Syndrome and we were walking for Ashlyn.  She said, "okay" and went right on to the next activity.  No questions.....just glad to walk.  I know questions will come in the future but for now Ashlyn is just her sister and if her sister has something called Down Syndrome that makes no difference to her.  Acceptance.

The walk was a wonderful day of honoring Ashlyn and the gift she is to us.  We were so blessed by the family and friends that came to walk alongside us.  We can never say how much it meant to us.  Here are some pictures from our day.....

The star of the day ready to walk

Our family with our team sign...."Ashlyn's Rubies"

With our parents and Troy's sister (Aunt Heidi)

Troy and his girls

Me and my Ashlyn Ruby.....so glad she is mine

The girl who just wanted to go to the walk....big sister

 Me and Troy.  This picture means so much to me because the two of us cried many tears and clung to each other after hearing the words Down Syndrome for the first time and here we are on the other side..... happy to be at our first Buddy Walk

To all of those who walked with us, donated or raised money.....THANK YOU!  Team Ashlyn Rubies raised over $2,000!  More than anything, thank you for walking beside us and for loving our daughter.  We love you.  

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