Friday, May 13, 2011


I have been anticipating the day I would get to say this.....Ashlyn is starting to walk!!  We have been waiting and praying for this.  We have been cheering for her and telling her she could do it.

The greatest blessing of this is that every time I watch her do it, I am filled with the same excitement and thankfulness.  I don't think it is going to get old.  The reason is because I held her as a newborn baby while doctors told me all of the delays she would likely face.  My heart hurt as I saw children half her age taking their first steps and moving all over the place.  I have been in countless therapy sessions while Ashlyn worked and worked to take a tiny step while holding onto something. I have laid awake in bed at night and wondered if I was doing enough.  So, when you know all of those things and you have experienced all of those things and then you see them doing it, there is nothing like it.  When I watch those chubby little legs move across our family room all I can think is, "Thank you, God.  From the bottom of our hearts....thank you."

These are sweet and joyous days.  These are redemptive days....tears we cried are being redeemed and God is showing Himself strong over and over again. God has certainly used this time to refine me and teach me patience.  We are realizing how thrilling it can be when it took a little more time and work to get there.  At 24 months, Ashlyn is taking her first steps and we could not be more proud of her.  Check out our amazing girl, WALKING!


  1. God is soooo good. This gives me a really big smile.

  2. This is so wonderful. It was so exciting to see her walking. I look forward to seeing this in person, but I will want to hold her first.

  3. She's amazing! I love hearing your testimony over and over of how God is pouring His grace continually on your family - how He is allowing a delightful little girl to teach all of us His ultimate love and mercy. Keep shoutin' and braggin' on your girls,Shari - they are certainly precious!
