Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Building a life

Today I am celebrating nine years of marriage with my husband.  Nine years is not a long time compared to the length of many marriages and certainly not a long time in comparison to the amount of time I want to be married to him (75 years is what we are shooting for).  But, the beautiful thing about the years adding up is you get to start seeing what you are building together. 

Today as I type there are two little girls upstairs in their rooms resting (one more quietly than the other).  There are toys scattered around the floor.  There are crayons on the table with coloring books open, a princess dress laying on a coffee table ready to be worn, sippy cups in the fridge, laundry in the dryer to be folded and little shoes lined up by the front door.  We have a home.....we have children....we are building a life together.

Nine years ago on this day, I had no idea what all was ahead but I knew that I wanted to build a life together with Troy.   Over our first nine years together we have lived in different places, changed jobs, made new friends, had two babies, have prayed a lot, laughed a ton and cried as well.  But the one thing that has not changed in my life in the past nine years is Troy Hochstetler.  Through every change, he has been my loving constant.  That is the beautiful thing about a real, committed, God centered marriage......through all of the years and all of the twists and turns, there are two people who are always the constant for each other.  Because we are just nine years into this and I know there is a lot to come.  Our kids will grow up, we won't always live in the same house, friends will come and go, surprises will come and a million other things, but there will always be this.....Troy, Shari and God.....holding onto each other and loving all along the way.  And each year that passes we will look back and see what we are building.

These past nine years have been the biggest blast of my life.  I am so in love with my husband and that makes for a really great life. Nine years and I cannot wait for more.