Friday, January 7, 2011

Organization, mixed emotions and new things

I wish I could say I was the type of person who loves organizational projects.  I am just not.  However, I really do like the feeling of things being organized, so it must be done.  Much of this past week was spent organizing Kyla and Ashlyn's closets.....taking out the clothes that don't fit anymore to make room for the new ones.  In Ashlyn's case, it means taking out the clothes that are now too small for her and putting them away and replacing them with hand me downs from Kyla that are now ready for Ashlyn.

I have gone through this process before and every time it brings out emotions.  This week as soon as I opened the bin of clothes marked 24 months, I felt the tears in my eyes.  Seeing the clothes I remember Kyla wearing and all of the memories that go with them.  But I knew what the tears were about....remembering where Kyla was at that time and knowing where Ashlyn is now.  The reality of two different versions of 24 months.  As times passes, though, it is getting easier to just let it be.....different journeys, but the same love and joy.  As I was sitting there looking at the clothes, knowing that my emotions and worries could take over, I knew I had to bottom line things.  In the middle of the moments of heartache, that is where I have to go....the bottom line.  And the bottom line is that I know God is Sovereign, I know God is good and whatever He allows, I can be sure He has a purpose for.  So, put the clothes away, get ready to make some new 24 month memories and get on with living because the bottom line never changes.

And, even though Ashlyn may do things at a different pace, her pace keeps her doing new things all the time.  We see her making great strides all the time.  One of her new things that I am most excited about.....she is taking an interest in playing with baby dolls.  It is the cutest thing and I love seeing her little imagination starting to go to work.

 Ashlyn and one of the many babies that live at our house

 Time for a bottle

 Baby needs a hug

 And, oh, how I love this....sisters playing babies together!!  Sometimes Ashlyn's interest lasts for only about a minute, but I love every second of it.

Another new thing.....Ashlyn can crawl all the way up our stairs....from bottom to top all by herself.  For months, her physical therapist had been working with her and it started off as such a fight with our therapist having to do most of the work for her.  Not anymore....all of a sudden, Ashlyn got it...and she loves it!

And, she can now stand all by herself for seconds at a time....we clap and clap every time she does it and once she plops down, she will smile and clap.  We love it.  I was able to get a quick can see the concentration on her sweet little face.

The other thing that Ashlyn is up to, but that isn't a new thing at all.....being a daddy's girl.  Her face lights up like nothing else when her daddy walks in the door.  Lately she has been crawling over to where Troy walks in from work and says his name while she waits for him to walk in.  It is serious love. 

Hanging on to daddy while he eats happy he is home

 Listening to daddy read a story....arm around his neck, a very happy girl

Thankful for organized closets, new things and most of all, the bottom line.

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