I first heard of the writer, Ann Voskamp, when my sweet friend gave me her book "One Thousand Gifts" as a gift. From the first page I couldn't put it down. I often read it with tears rolling down my cheeks. Her writing is some of the most beautiful and honest I have ever read. At the time of reading it I was in the thick of wrestling through emotions over Ashlyn's diagnosis. And that book so spoke to me then. But, the message of her book....everyday counting your gifts and receiving it all as grace, speaks to me everyday. If you haven't read her book....run, don't walk to go get it.
I was on Ann's blog the other day and was crying by the end of her post. Please read it here.....
This one got me in my heart. Not so much about having someone in my family line that I now act like as an adult in a negative way. Honestly, my family line has left me nothing but blessing. What really resonated with me is the truth of how my fight for joy affects my children. It can be so easy to get stressed about things that really aren't important and to find joy in things that really aren't important. And our kids are watching. Yes, I like a clean and orderly house, but I really don't want that to take a higher place than leaving those things to share a hug with one of my girls, giggle or play a game.
I am learning as an adult that joy doesn't seem to come as naturally to us as it does to children. But that doesn't mean we can't fight for it.....to find God in the moments. And a lot of the times our children are the ones who lead the way. I think of this when we pull into our garage on Wednesday evenings after a long day and late night at church. I know we just need to get inside and start the bedtime routine but I have two little girls in the car behind me saying, "Moon!" , "Mommy, let's go see the moon!" And we all go to the driveway and look up at the dark night sky and point to the moon and notice the stars. The girls are so excited and they wave up to the moon and giggle. Those moments are so worth getting to bed a few minutes later. That is joy. And for as much as my children lead me to joy, as their mother, I always want to lead them their too. As I train my eyes to see joy in each moment.....I pray their eyes are trained as well.
"If you don't fight for joy, it's your children who lose. What do I want my children to remember - my joy in clean floors, made beds and ironed shirts - or my joy of the Lord? You will be remembered - by what brought you most joy."
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