Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Milliseconds of our moments

This week has seemed to be a roller coaster of emotions.  Many of my mommy friends have kids starting their first year of kindergarten or first grade.  Some are sending their last child off to kindergarten, ushering in big changes.  It seems for the past week every time I run into a mom, this is the topic of conversation.  The other day at our neighborhood park I was talking to a mom who was getting ready to send her fourth and last child into kindergarten and she told me the night before she had bawled her eyes out for an hour.  Let me just interject here that at this time next year I will be the mom crying, sending my firstborn to kindergarten.  Thank goodness for moms who just get each other.

Troy and I have burdens we are carrying and some things that seem so overwhelming in our own strength.  We are seeking God in prayer over many different things.  I am sure that whoever is reading this, could say this is true for them as well.  This is life....things hurt our hearts, test our faith, confuse us, discourage us, scare us and just when we get used to one thing the changes just keep coming.  In the middle of all of this, I read something in a blog that I look at only from time to time, but it was the perfect time for me to read it.  These truths brought calm to my heart....

Wherever we are.....
Here we are at this very moment.....
On this specific day, in this exact place.....

During this particular season of life,
We must rest in this truth:

God knows, God remembers, God ordains and God orchestrates the milliseconds of our moments.

And God is working, building, preparing and making the way for His answer to your immediate prayers and your lifelong ones.

He is setting the stage for Jesus, who will glorify Himself and bless you and those around you through the work He is doing this very moment, even if it seems like a lot of silence to you.

No matter the craziness we are in, there is a bottom line truth and that is that God is at work in it all.  Orchestrating the milliseconds of our moments.  What He is doing in our lives at this very moment from tears on the first day of kindergarten to unanswered questions, God is at work.....building, preparing and making the way.  Thank you, Jesus, I would be lost without you.


In other news.....check out the princesses who live at our house.  We decided it was time for Ashlyn to get in on the dressing up action, so she got to wear a Tinkerbell dress that is getting too small for Kyla.  It is still a little big for her, but she did have fun in it, until she started tripping over it.  Here are my two princess girls....Kyla is so tall in this picture because, of course, she had on princess high heels.

 Hello, sweet little Tinkerbell

Ready for a tea party

Deep breath.  God is always good and can always be trusted.  He is orchestrating the milliseconds of our moments.

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