Monday, June 6, 2011

Just the two of us

This past weekend Troy and I headed to Indy to spend a few days together....just the two of us.  We had a complete blast.  Our day to day life, raising two little girls is unbelievable and we are living our dream, but the truth of the matter is that marriage comes first.  At least that is how Troy and I believe things should be.  There will be a day years from now, when we won't have little kids running around our house, but this marriage will still be here and our hope is to be a couple who is still crazy in love and having a blast together.  And, I know from personal experience that seeing parents who really love each other and take time for each other, is one of the best things for kids to grow up with.

You have to make an effort to take a little time away.  We are so blessed by two sets of parents who are willing (and really happy) to come watch our kids so we can do things like this.  Last month we celebrated our nine year wedding anniversary and we both wanted to do more than just go to dinner.....we wanted a couple of days of uninterrupted time together.  So we headed down to Indy where my awesome, deal finding husband got us a really nice hotel for not too much money (thank you, priceline). 

We had the best, most relaxing time.  We slept in, ate dinner late, talked without being interrupted and had no schedule.

Brunch at 11:00 a.m.

 The weather was beautiful and we did lots of walking on the canal

 And sometimes while walking I had one of these in my hand

 We ate this for dessert at like 9:00 at night....just taking our schedule

I would be lying if I said we didn't talk about our girls a lot while we were away.  We love them like crazy.  And, this morning I was up way earlier than 11:00 a.m. and my day looked more like this....

 and this....

and those things make me so happy.  The day in and day out moments of our life are such a joy to me I can't even tell you.....including the everyday love that Troy and I share.  But, sometimes you just have to get away and be with just each other. You have to get other things off the calendar.  You have to be willing to spend a little money.  If you haven't gotten away with just your spouse lately, I highly recommend it.  Marriage first.

1 comment:

  1. so glad you guys got a chance to get away together. ben and i feel the same way about marriage and time together!
