Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Thanks in all things

I recently finished reading a book called, "One Thousand Gifts," by Ann Voskamp. It is an incredible book. I had not known of Ann Voskamp until I was given this book. She is an unbelievable writer. This book has challenged me immensely. If I were to sum up the book in just a few words it would be.....give thanks in all things.

Throughout the book, the author shares her journey in a really honest way. Her journey toward a life of gratitude towards God for all things. Through her journey she began a gratitude journal where everyday, all through the day she would write down every single thing she was grateful for....from very small to big. She shares some of her entries throughout the book and I loved reading them because it opened my eyes. It opened my eyes to all of the hundreds of things everyday....blessings straight from God's hand that there are to be grateful for, that I know I overlook. Either because I am too busy, or because I am worried, or because I am complaining about something. The best thing about this book is that it has caused me to really intentionally think about how much there is to be grateful for everyday. For example, here are what some of my entries would be from today....

1. Ashlyn's huge smile as soon as I walk into her room in the morning
2. Kyla praying at breakfast
3. Sunshine
4. My mom comforting me over the phone this morning
5. Hearing Kyla and Ashlyn giggle together
6. My husband sending me a text to tell me he loves me
7. Clean, folded laundry
8. A great conversation with my friend, Tracy
9. Kyla whispering in my ear, "I love Ash"
10. Seeing Troy do what he has been called by God to do
11. Kyla waving to the cows on McCarty Lane
12. The cows on McCarty Lane
13. Blooming flowers
14. God's providence
15. Ashlyn blowing kisses
16. Lafayette First Church of the Nazarene
17. Kara is feeling better today
18. Ashlyn working on taking steps
19. Arms to carry Ashlyn until she can walk on her own
20. Kneeling beside Kyla's bed with Troy....four year old prayers

The list could go on. Try it. I am finding the more I am praising and thanking, the less I am worrying. And the thing I love about this book is that it is not a cheesy, try this and your life will be great sort of thing. It is a real, honest look at the daily fight we are in between ingratitude and joy. Between fear and trust. Between living our lives demanding all of our rights and opening our hands to receive what God gives. To see everything God gives as grace....everything. Even the hard things.

This is where this book became even more challenging for me.....gratitude in pain and suffering. As it says in the book..."How to lay open the hand for this moment's bread....when it will hurt." How to see even the pain as God's grace. How to hear the words, "Down Syndrome" and think grace. How to say "yes" with open hands to anything that God gives.

I feel like I practically have the whole book underlined because there was so much I wanted to go back and look at. Here are some parts that really spoke to me....

"I see what I am. I'm amputated. I have hacked my life up into grace moments and curse moments. The chopping that has cut myself off from the embracing love of a God who does not enjoy hurting people or causing them sorrow (Lamentations 3:33), but labors to birth grief into greater grace. Isn't this the crux of the gospel? The good news that suffering nourishes grace and pain and joy are arteries of the same heart - and mourning and dancing are but movements in His unfinished symphony of beauty.

Jesus showed us at the Last Supper how to transfigure all things....take the pain that is given, give thanks for it, and transform it into a joy that fulfills all emptiness. This is the hard discipline to lean into the ugly and whisper thanks to transfigure it into beauty. The hard discipline to give thanks for all things at all times because He is all good. The hard discipline to number the griefs as grace.

I am learning to open my hands and receive what God gives.  It is a daily decision....the daily decision to say "thank you" to God for everything....from the easy to the hard.  I am learning there is a reason that God's Word tells us to "give thanks in all things."  It is for our good.  God knows what is best for us.  Giving thanks in all things protects us from bitterness, pride and discontentment.  Giving thanks brings all things.  Even the things we never, ever thought could bring us joy. 

"Life change comes when we receive life with thanks and ask for nothing to change."  Ann Voskamp

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