Saturday, March 19, 2011

Missing my husband.......a lot

Many months ago my husband first told me of the opportunity he had been given to go to Europe for two weeks in March of 2011 along with a small group of pastors to meet with missionaries there.  When he first told me about it, I was so excited for him to get the chance to go and knew it would be something he would love and that God could use.  My very next thought was how very long two weeks would be to be away from each other.  As the months went by and the days got closer to the trip, my heart started to feel more and more sad. 

I remember when Troy and I were engaged and people who had been married for awhile would give us their two cents on things.  I can remember a few couples saying things like, "I know you love being together every second right now, but soon you will want to get away from each other."  Ummmm, depressing.  That is what I was thinking at time, how sad that they felt that way.  I enjoy alone time as much as the next person, but I can honestly say I really, really love being with my husband.  I still feel like I would much rather be with him than not.  He is my best friend, the one I am the most myself with and the most comfortable with.  The one I laugh the easiest with and have a blast with.  He also makes me feel taken care of and safe.  So, as the two week trip was getting closer, I was starting to dread it more.

Troy is in Madrid, Spain as I type this and will be preaching at a Nazarene church there in the morning.  We are a little half way through the trip and we are making it, but miss each other terribly.  We are getting through with brief skype conversations or phone calls where the connection gets cut off.  Troy misses Kyla and Ashlyn so much and they miss him.  When I talked to him on the phone today he told me that when he gets home he is hugging all of us and never letting go....I can't wait for that.

Life is just better when we are together.  When our family is together.  I miss the everyday stuff we share.  I miss the hugs and laughter and talks. I miss that these days we aren't watching all of the college basketball games together and talking about whose bracket is doing better ( I can promise you that his is at this point....things are not looking good for me right now). 

I am so happy that Troy got to be a part of this trip and for the pastors that went along with him.  I am grateful for the Himmelwright's, who are the wonderful missionaries in Europe that he has spent these two weeks with.  I am thankful for all of the pastors Troy has met in Europe and has gotten the chance to talk with, dream with and pray with.  I can't wait to hear all about it and see all of his pictures.  I am so grateful for our families, friends and for our church family who has taken such good care of me and the girls while Troy has been away.  I love you so much.  Most of all I am grateful for my husband and the marriage God has given to us.  I am thankful that we miss each other like crazy when we are away from each other and that life is so much better together than apart.  Come home soon, Troy.....there are three girls waiting for you who are ready to hug you and never let go.

1 comment:

  1. We are the same way. We have been married 15 years and hate to be away from each other! He was just in New Orleans for 5 days and I felt like I was going to lose my mind! He wasn't too happy about the trip but it was for work. Lots of texting and phone calls for us!
