Saturday, December 17, 2011

Big kid stuff

This past week we had a lot of big kid stuff going on around here.  It started on Thursday morning with a dentist appointment for Kyla.  She had already been once for the first time six months ago.  At that appointment she just talked to a nurse and the dentist counted her teeth.  This time it was an actual cleaning.  We started talking about it the day before and she didn't seem nervous about it.  On Thursday morning she was still okay but just mentioned that she wanted me to hold her hand while the dentist was "tickling her teeth", which is kid talk for a teeth cleaning.  I don't know how it started but almost every preschool aged child I know calls it that.  Anyway, I was pretty sure that they were going to have her go back by herself for her cleaning, at least that is what I had been hearing from my friends who had already been through this.  So, I didn't make any promises.

When we got there I saw the mom of a little boy in Kyla's preschool class who happened to be there at the same time as us.  I quietly asked her if the kids go back by themselves and she nodded yes.  It actually kind of me nervous because this was her first time and I am usually always with her for these types of things.  And to be honest, going to the dentist is not my favorite thing and if I could, as a grown woman, I would still have my mom come with me and hold my hand.  So, the nurse called her name and I as cheerfully as I could said, "Kyla, the nurse is going to take you back and I will be waiting for you.  Go with her and the dentist will tickle your teeth."  I added in a few more things about how fun it will be (sometimes moms have to fib a little bit).  Well, that caused instant tears and hanging onto my leg. The nurse clearly didn't want there to be a scene in the waiting room for all of the other children to see, so I stepped behind the door with Kyla and we talked to the nurse together.  She was so sweet to Kyla and hyped it all up.  She also threw in that their was a t.v. with videos to watch while waiting for the dentist.  I think that is what got her, because after that she started to let go of me and followed the nurse back. 

I was nervous in the waiting room, just wondering how she was doing.  The nurse came out once to get another child and she told me Kyla was doing great.  And, Ashlyn was helping me pass the time by singing "Jesus Loves Me."  Actually, she was singing it for the whole waiting room to hear.  She belts it out with gusto.  After a little while, the nurse called me back to come get Kyla and get a report from the dentist.  The nurse told me she did tears and had a great check up.  The dentist verified that and also told me no cavities....yippee!  After we were finished talking to the dentist and it was just us, I hugged Kyla as big as I could and told her over and over how proud I was of her.  She was so happy and told me the girl (the nurse) brushed her teeth and the man (the dentist) tickled her teeth.  She also told me that she got to pick the flavor of toothpaste and she picked strawberry but it didn't really taste like strawberry.  No complaints other than that.

Serious big kid stuff.  Having your teeth cleaned all by yourself.  Here is the big girl after her first teeth cleaning with the balloon she got to pick out.  She was very proud of that.

 After how great she did at the dentist, how could I not reward her?  So off to Target to find a treat in the dollar she is surveying her options, balloon in hand.

 Her choice......a Disney princess paint by number

 I was so proud of Kyla.  I didn't know what to expect, but would not have been surprised if the first time she didn't go and we would just try again next time.  She is usually shy at first and it can take her a few times to get used to the idea of something.  She is growing up.  She overcame her fear.  I was so, so proud of her.  Any my mama heart was a little emotional about the whole thing. 

 My heart got even more emotional when that same afternoon we had a representative from a special needs preschool talking to us about our options for Ashlyn.  Preschool.....really?  I will have to save that for next time, all I know is we've got two little girls doing some big kid stuff.

1 comment:

  1. You did much better than I would. I wouldn't go somewhere that wouldn't allow me to go to the room with my kids. You have amazing strength!
